In the email today, all addressing me personally...

By Yango - March 01, 2018

From Brad Parscale:

I want to make sure you heard the President’s big news that he is officially running for re-election in 2020.

I am honored and humbled that the President appointed me as his campaign manager.

But let me be clear: there’s only one patriot out there who can help win this race... YOU.

You’re all we’ve got to fight back against the fake news media and the rabid Democrats....

I don’t care how many lying books they write.

I don’t care how many witch hunts they launch....
From Donald Trump:

I will never stop fighting for you. I will never let them silence you. Nothing will distract us from our agenda. Nothing can yank us down into the gutters with the fake news tabloids disguised as the “mainstream media.”

But I need you enlisted in our fight too. Will you go down in the books and renew your Sustaining Membership for the 2018 year?
Not only have I never joined anything that I'd need to "renew." I have never given money to any Republican (and I haven't given money to a Democrat since the 1980s, and, even then, only a handful of times).

From Cory Booker:
In the past year, we have watched Donald Trump and his administration demonstrate an incredible capacity for dividing our country through fearmongering and lies. We have also watched the Republican Party fall right in line behind him.

Republicans from the halls of Congress to the White House have proven they don't have an interest in leading. At this critical moment, it's up to us to elect Democrats who are willing to step up and provide the leadership our nation so desperately needs....

Now is not the time to give up or shut up -- it's time to rise up and speak up in support of our shared values.

We must ensure that our children are safe at school, make sure health care is a right and not a privilege, and offer working Americans a path for upward mobility. We must hold Trump and his party accountable. We must stand up for what's right. We can do all of this and more, but only if we work together....

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