The entrepreneurial wisdom of Stormy Daniels. (No wonder she was a good match for Donald Trump.)

By Yango - March 11, 2018

I'm reading "Interest in Stormy Daniels is surging on Pornhub" (WaPo):

... And while it’s not clear that [Stormy Daniels will] prevail in that legal fight [to get out from under her non-disclosure agreement], it is clear that her appearance in the news has been good for her marketability. Searches for Daniels’s name are skyrocketing.... And each subsequent time Daniels has made headlines for her alleged affair with Trump — when she appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Show... searches for her name have spiked again....

“I have two choices,” Daniels told Rolling Stone of the Trump scandal. “Sit at home and feel sorry for myself, or make lemonade out of lemons.”
Led Zeppelin said it best:

The top-rated comment at WaPo uses a device I'm seeing in the comedy subgenre of mocking Trump*:
I don't see what all the hullabazoo is over some sleazy, oversized, fake-tanned, fake-blonde trashy prostitute who crawled out of the sewer just to spew forth a bunch of garbage in hopes of being more famous.

Why would anyone care?

About Trump, I mean?
And then, also in WaPo, there's a Petula Dvorak essay touting Stormy Daniels alongside "the female pioneers of the porn industry":
You hear “porn,” and you may think predatory guys with cameras in warehouses... But ever since Edison and his kinetoscope, there have been women... who have emerged as entrepreneurs in an industry made for men and run by men....

“This industry is filled with strong, smart, very business-savvy women,” [said Lynn Comella, associate professor of gender and sexuality studies at University of Nevada Las Vegas]. “They are calling the shots as directors and CEOs,” and they “are willing to stand up for themselves.”

Given the female power players who survive and thrive in such a cutthroat field, she said, “I’m not surprised to see it’s an adult performer” taking on Trump.

* Trump used it on himself at the Gridiron dinner on March 4th:
I won't rule out direct talks with Kim Jong-Un. I just won't. As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that's his problem, not mine.
Of course, now the direct talks are on. And look! Now, it seems that Kim Jong-Un is cracking jokes about himself. Keep thinking, keep talking, keep joking — maybe there's enough lemonade for everyone.

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