"You fight for your country and they call you racist. But the days when those kind of insults work is over."

By Yango - March 11, 2018

"You recall the evening of the American election, the traditional medias were shocked. They could never have believed that the Americans had finally voted in their own interests.... The establishment media are the dogs of the system. Every day, we become stronger and they become weaker. Let them call you racists, xenophobes or whatever else, wear these like a medal.... God bless America and vive la France."

So said Steve Bannon at a conference of Marine Le Pen’s National Front in Lille, France, The Guardian reports.

Marine Le Pen is estranged from her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who founded the party, but he's quoted in the article:

“I think Bannon’s OK … but it’s not exactly the definition of de-demonising [the party] and it’s a bit of a paradox given that Steve Bannon was supposed to be Trump’s most radical adviser,” he said. “But who knows. She [Marine] may end up coming round to my way of thinking.”
The Guardian says Jean-Marie was "thrown out of the party for xenophobic and racist comments," so I'm inferring that "my way of thinking" means leaning into the kind of rhetoric that got the party demonized in the first place.  Let them call you racists, xenophobes or whatever else, wear these like a medal...

AND: Here's yesterday's post about Steve Bannon's mission in Europe.

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