You know that feeling? — when you wake up and look at the clock and think, oh, good, it's late enough to get up...

By Yango - March 11, 2018

... even though it's only 4:30 a.m., but at least it's not 3:30 a.m. Now that would be too early. But 4:30 — early, but okay. It's fine to get up. You've had enough sleep. It's good to get up early. And blah blah blah. Thoughts thoughts thoughts. You're fully awake now. There's no going back. And then you realize: Daylight Savings Time. The phone-clock sprang ahead on its own while you were sleeping. It was 3:30 (essentially). And that is far from the worst mistake I've caught myself in this morning. I did something else so stupid that I'm not even going to blog about it.

IN THE COMMENTS: Of course, people are prodding me to say what was the "something else so stupid," but I notice that Trump — in his rally last night — said he'd love to run (in 2020) against Oprah, because he knows "her weakness." He spoke of her weakness many times, but he never said what it was. I don't know if he — like me — has a very specific thing that he knows for sure, but what a fabulous rhetorical device. If you fall for it, you've got to think about all of the possible weaknesses of Oprah — brainstorm a big list, frame everything about Oprah as a weakness. She's warm and easily able to perform empathy in the presence of almost anyone. Bzzztt. Weakness!!! Your thinking about it like that is far more effective than his (or my) naming that one thing.

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