What price is enough for Hope Hicks to write the kind of book that has The Daily Mail effusing...

By Yango - March 02, 2018

... "EXCLUSIVE: Hope Hicks' $10 million payday! The departing coms director is flooded with offers as publishers scramble for a book deal to spill the secrets of Trump's inner sanctum and her affair with wife abuser Rob Porter"?

She hasn't accepted $10 million, nor should she.

High-powered New York literary agent Eric Myers told DailyMail.com that Hicks could easily get a $10 million advance, 'If she really did promise to throw the office doors wide open and tell all. 'However, that may not be likely as she is a longtime close friend and defender of Trump, and may not be inclined to do that. Plus, there would undoubtedly be matters of legality and national security to be weighed. If a book were to happen, it would undoubtedly be the subject of an auction among the major publishers, which would be a key factor in driving up the amount of the advance.'

Another prestigious literary agent who has represented Pulitzer Prize-winning political journalists, among other high-profile, celebrity clients – and receives a fifteen percent commission on every book sold -- told DailyMail.com: 'Hope Hicks was a star Washington insider. 'I always saw a book coming from her when the time was right. Now the time's right. Overnight she's become a potential goldmine A $10 million advance is not out of the question for her to tell the true, untold, inside story about life in Donald Trump's White House and inner circle. She probably knows more than the first lady – about that, I wouldn't be surprised. And I think everyone will be interested in the true story of her relationship with Trump. Is he a father figure to her – or something more? There's just so much speculation about their relationship. Look, here's a gorgeous young woman with no political experience who suddenly becomes one of the most influential woman in the White House who has the president's ear 24/7."
Look, Bill Clinton got $15 million in 2004 to write a book about himself that no one had any reason to think would contain a damned thing that was revealing or that cut against the interests of his party and his close associates. Hillary Clinton got $14 million in 2014 to write "Hard Choices," and it wasn't a hard choice to pocket $14 million to crank out dull PR that no one wanted to read. And Barack and Michelle Obama were handed $60 million for what? We haven't seen it yet, but you can bet 60 thousand dollars that they're not putting themselves into the hands of opponents of any of their friends or suffering struggles of conscience deciding how much to betray the confidences of anyone they care about.

Maybe Hope Hicks — who is 29 years old — is so tired of it all that she's ready to retire into a life of idle rich person, so she's tempted to throw away her ongoing reputation by selling what would count as the "the true, untold, inside story about life in Donald Trump's White House and inner circle." But even the Obama's $60 million number is not enough. She's lived alongside a billionaire, by whose standard $60 million doesn't even make you rich. I'd say even $100 million is not enough to flip Hope Hicks to betray her relationship with Donald Trump.

Now, if she's seen "chaos" inside the White House and genuinely thinks there's something horrible going on and needs to warn us about it, then — if it's bad enough — she should should betray the relationship, and she should do it without taking any money at all. It can't be, first, let me have that big publisher's auction, nail down the money that will set me up for life, and then I'll tell you a set of Michael Wolffish tales.

I say: Hope, you are 29. Don't sell out. At any price.

ADDED: I know: I got carried away. There is a middle position. Make a $10 million deal for a book that is pure vanity: My lovely times, with that wonderful man, Donald Trump.

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