"5 reasons why Donald Trump's massive North Korea gamble makes total and complete sense."

By Yango - March 09, 2018

Chris Cillizza, you got me with that headline (CNN). The 5 reasons:

1. Trump the deal-maker... he has to try to tackle the biggest dealmaking challenges in the world... a more stable and de-nuclearized North Korea is about as big as they come.

2. Trump the history-maker... He loves to go where no one has gone before -- or, at least, where he believes no one has gone before...

3. Trump the unorthodox... Trump revels in the idea of freaking out the political establishment...

4. Trump the freelancer... In the opening to the "Art of the Deal," Trump wrote about how he liked to start his day -- clean desk, empty schedule. He didn't like to make plans. He liked to react at whatever the day threw at him. His grand strategy was just a bunch of tactics sewed together. Trump has brought that same mentality to the White House. Trump has bridled under attempts by his staff to keep him on message for a day or even a week. He values his "Executive Time," when he putters around the residence, watching television and tweeting. He trusts his gut -- even if it says something different than all the eggheads in his administration.

5. Trump the reality TV star... Trump knows that a meeting between him and Kim will have the eyes of the world on it....

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