"George P. Bush won the primary for Texas land commissioner on Tuesday after touting his continued support of President Donald Trump, a position that runs in contrast to the rest of his family dynasty."

By Yango - March 07, 2018

HuffPo reports.


Hey, I accidentally coined a word just now. I've corrected the typo, but I plan to use it in the future: "preports." It will mean reporting the news of what will (purportedly) happen in the future. You may notice that MSM does this all the time.

I was just talking about that a month ago. Politico had a headline — "Trump escalates his war with U.S. law enforcement after memo release/The president hinted openly that he might yet fire senior officials over claims of bias against him" — after a reporter had asked Trump if he's "likely to fire Rosenstein" and Trump had said "You figure that one out." I wrote:
So the press takes that no-comment comment and runs with it, basically reporting on The Future. What might Trump do?

I was laughing about this last night as I tried to watch CNN. The Nunes memo had just come out, and the night before the memo came out, the talk had been about what might be in the memo, i.e., News of The Future. Once the memo was out, it was old news, because we'd already talked about what was in it, back when it was News of the Future. So the subject had to be who Trump will/will not fire in the coming Saturday Night Massacre.

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