"Sony Blocks Pick-Up Artist Game 'Super Seducer' On PS4."

By Yango - March 09, 2018

Forbes reports.

Super Seducer is a dating advice game that barely qualifies as a video game to begin with. The game is the product of 'dating guru' and author, Richard La Ruina, and is more a series of choose-your-response live-action vignettes than an actual video game. Super Seducer has been widely panned both for its sleaziness and, well, just for being a bad game....

I'm not saying we should censor pick-up artist blogs or burn their books or anything like that, but I do think bad ideas should be roundly and routinely mocked. But the PSN doesn't have to be home to games like this, or to porn games or any other games that Sony isn't comfortable having on its console. Ultimately, I guess it's hard for me to sympathize much with someone who makes a living exploiting women and lonely men. But I'm generally suspicious of 'self-help' gurus and motivational speakers to begin with, and dating gurus even more.... 
IN THE COMMENTS: themightypuck said:
In Japan, where Sony hails from, there are tons of creepy dating simulator games.
They pander to the Japanese and they pander to us. So they're not hypocrites. They're merchants.

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