My Victorian Year #8

By Yango - February 24, 2018

I finished The Ladies Paradise by Emile Zola this week! I read a few chapters in Orley Farm by Anthony Trollope. I read a few chapters in Mary Barton. I predict that I will finish Mary Barton in the next few days. If all goes to plan, I should have my review published by next Saturday! Orley Farm I'm less optimistic about finishing this week because it is a LONG book. I'm not even sure I'm to the halfway mark yet.

Jane Eyre is one of my FAVORITE, FAVORITE, FAVORITE books. So I was super-excited to see that it has been adapted into a YA science fiction novel. The novel has been reset IN SPACE. I began reading it this week and it is wonderful so far!!!

Quotes from The Ladies' Paradies:

Mouret on selling:

"You can sell as much as you like when you know how to sell! There lies our success." (75) 
If he could have found a way of making the street run right through his shop, he would have done so. (236)
One of the customers:
You're right, there's no system in this shop. You lose your way, and do all sorts of silly things. (260)
Mouret on life and love:
'Of course, I've never lived so intensely...Ah! Don't laugh, old man, the moments when you seem to die of suffering are the briefest of all!' (322)
I don't have new quotes to share from Mary Barton. The action is quick and intense, but not quotable.

I'm not sure how many I have from Orley Farm. The past few chapters have all occurred on Christmas day; we've seen Christmas in three very different households.
Nobody holds a good opinion of a man who has a low opinion of himself.
Is not additional eating an ordinary Englishman’s ordinary idea of Christmas-day?
Felix Graham’s lot in this life, as regarded that share which his heart might have in it, was already marked out for him; — marked out for himself and by himself. The future wife of his bosom had already been selected, and was now in course of preparation for the duties of her future life. He was one of those few wise men who have determined not to take a partner in life at hazard, but to mould a young mind and character to those pursuits and modes of thought which may best fit a woman for the duties she will have to perform. What little it may be necessary to know of the earlier years of Mary Snow shall be told hereafter. Here it will be only necessary to say that she was an orphan, that as yet she was little more than a child, and that she owed her maintenance and the advantage of her education to the charity and love of her destined husband.
Christmas-day was always a time of very great trial to Mrs. Mason of Groby Park. It behoved her, as the wife of an old English country gentleman, to spread her board plenteously at that season, and in some sort to make an open house of it. But she could not bring herself to spread any board with plenty, and the idea of an open house would almost break her heart. Unlimited eating! There was something in the very sounds of such words which was appalling to the inner woman.
He always put off till some future day that great contest which he intended to wage and to win, and by which he hoped to bring it about that plenty should henceforward be the law of the land at Groby Park.
© 2018 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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