"On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tenderhearted woman saw a rich, coldhearted, frozen snake. His tangerine skin was all caked with makeup..."

By Yango - February 25, 2018

"... and his bald spot was frosted with the dew. 'Poor thing,' she cried, 'I’ll take you in, and I’ll take care of you.'/'Take me in, oh tender woman. Take me in, for Heaven’s sake. Take me in, oh tender woman,' sighed the vicious snake. She wrapped him up all cozy, tucking in his absurdly long tie of silk, and laid him by her fireside with two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish, and a chocolate shake of milk. She hurried home that night from holding up a torch on Liberty Island, and soon as she arrived, she found that the freaky snake, transfixed by his own image on TV, had been revived...."

Maureen Dowd strikes venomously at Donald Trump, who did that damned "Snake" poem again the other day, at CPAC.

Here, I cued up Trump's "Snake" performance for you. As I said yesterday, live-blogging my reading of the speech, "Oh, no, he's going to do the snake! There's a big lead up, then the entire performance":

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