February Reflections

By Yango - February 28, 2018

How many books have I read so far for the year? 100

How many board books or picture books have I read? 33

My favorite I read this month was: Buster and the Baby. Amy Hest. Illustrated by Polly Dunbar. 2017. [October 24, 2017] Candlewick Press. 32 pages. [Source: Review copy]

How many early readers or early chapter books have I read? 19

My favorite I read this month was: Charlie & Mouse & Grumpy. Laurel Snyder. Illustrated by Emily Hughes. 2017. 48 pages. [Source: Library]

How many contemporary books have I read? 7

My favorite I read this month was: Just Dance. Patricia MacLachlan. 2017. 128 pages. [Source: Library]

How many speculative fiction books have I read? 6

My favorite I read this month was: Long Way Down. Jason Reynolds. 2017. [October 24] 320 pages. [Source: Library] 

How many classics have I read? 11

My favorite I read this month was? The Ladies' Paradise by Emile Zola. 1883/2012. Oxford University Press. 438 pages. [Source: Library]

How many historical fiction novels have I read? 11

My favorite I read this month was? The Sea Before Us. (Sunrise at Normandy #1) Sarah Sundin. 2018. Revell. 375 pages. [Source: Review copy]

How many mysteries? 3
My favorite I read this month was? I didn't read any this month. But I'm almost finished with Daughter of Time. So maybe March will have more mysteries!

How many nonfiction? 12

My favorite I read this month was?  Big Machines: The Story of Virginia Lee Burton. Sherri Duskey Rinker. 2017. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 48 pages. [Source: Review copy]

How many Christian fiction? 7

My favorite I read this month was?  When Tides Turn. (Waves of Freedom #3) Sarah Sundin. 2017. Revell. 285 pages. [Source: Library]

How many Christian nonfiction? 17

My favorite I read this month was? The Moment of Truth. Steven J. Lawson. 2018. Reformation Trust. 238 pages. [Source: Review copy]

How many "new" books for the Good Rule challenge? 63

How many "old" books for the Good Rule challenge? 37

How many pages have I read so far for the year? 16, 143

Favorite short story or fairy tale of the month: "Aunt Philippa and the Men"

Favorite audio book of the month: DAUGHTER OF TIME

Favorite Victorian quote:

Remember the old saying, You cannot touch pitch without being defiled. ~ Anthony Trollope

© 2018 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews

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