"It was not clear why the soil in residential green spaces was better at sequestering carbon..."

By Yango - March 10, 2018

"... but Ms. Ziter thinks it might be related to how people manage their yards, like by mowing. So there is a risk that the carbon we release using gas-powered lawn mowers, for example, could eclipse the soil’s ability to absorb carbon. And before we start chopping down forests and putting in lawns, it is important to note that the study focused on soils, not on what may be growing above. 'You don’t need to have a perfect lawn for it to be really beneficial,' Ms. Ziter said. 'You don’t have to have an incredibly intensive management system. It’s O.K. to have things to be a little wild.'"

From "A Secret Superpower, Right in Your Backyard" (NYT) about a study of soil in Madison, Wisconsin.

Notice the NYT urge to naysay about lawns. The carbon we release using gas-powered lawn mowers. No mention of a reel mower. That's what Meade uses. Carbon absorbing results:


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